Wowangel Vip
Experience More
As a Wowangel Vip member, experience exclusive benefits, discounts and more. You deserve the special discounts, early access to new collections, and priority support to ensure your hair always looks its best.
We also provide one by one professional customer service to care about your feeling and feedback. Take your hair journey to the next level and become a part of our exclusive community today!
Join us and subscribe to get $100 off your first purchase.
How it Works
For every purchase at Wowangel and successful refferral, you will earn the points that help you reach higher status levels: Silver, Gold, and Diamond. The more you spent, the higher levels you will reach. Redeem points to get exclusive discounts.
Sign upCreate an account on our store
EarnEarn points for shopping
RedeemRedeem points for discounts
VIP Tiers
Join our ViP loyalty program to unlock exclusive rewards available only to members.
Spend $0 − $400 | Spend $401 − $2,000 | Spend $2,001 − $4,000 | Spend $4,001 + | |
100 Points Sign Up Bonus | ||||
Free Shipping Service | ||||
Wow Angel Exclusive Free Gifts | ||||
Special Gifts for Birthday Month | —— | —— | ||
One by one Professional Customer Service | —— | —— | —— | |
Free Return or Exchange Service | 30- Days | 45- Days | 45- Days | 60- Days |
Exclusive Discount Coupon | —— | $40 OFF | UP TO $120 OFF | UP TO $120 OFF |
Exclusive Gift Card | —— | $10 | $20 | $30 |
Free Return | —— | —— | 1 Time per Year | 3 Time per Year |
Free Wig Repair Service | —— | —— | —— | 1 Time per Year |
Exclusive Points per Order | —— | —— | —— | 2x Points |
Earning Reward Points
- Place an order
1 Point for every $1 spent
- Follow on instagram
100 Points
- Follow on TikTok
100 Points
- Celebrate a birthday
250 Points
Ways to Redeem
Redeem points for these rewards
- Free Automatic Curling lron
1200 Points
- Free 13X6 Jet Black Wig - 24inch 180%Density
9900 Points
- Gift card
Per 300 Points = $10
- Order discount
Per 100 Points = $5
Terms of Use
2. Special Gifts for Birthday Month: We will provide the store credit, points or accessories as free birthday gifts to you.
3. Free Wig Repair Service: Repair service once a year(customer needs to pay the shipping fee)
4.One by one Professional Customer Service: Diamond Vip Members will get our professional customer service get early and quick reply.
6.Expire date: The points are valid for one year. Once you unlock the VIP member levels, you will keep the member status
for the remainder of the current membership year as well as the entire membership year that follows